Digimap are pleased to supply the full range of Esri software, whether ArcGIS Online or the powerful ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS for Server.

If you are based in the Channel Islands, do call Digimap for prices and further information.

ArcGIS Desktop

ArcGIS Desktop (featuring ArcGIS Pro) allows you to analyze your data and author geographic knowledge to examine relationships, test predictions, and ultimately make better decisions.

ArcGIS Desktop is available in three license levels: Basic, Standard, or Advanced. These license levels share the same core applications, user interface, and development environment. Each license level provides additional GIS functionality as you move from Basic to Standard to Advanced.

Esri ArcGIS Desktop

ArcGIS Pro

Part of the Esri Geospatial Cloud, ArcGIS Pro is Esri’s powerful, single desktop GIS application. Technologically ahead of everything else on the market, ArcGIS Pro supports data visualization, advanced analysis and authoritative data maintenance in both 2D and 3D. ArcGIS Pro is tightly coupled with the ArcGIS platform supporting data sharing across ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise through Web GIS.

Esri ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Server

ArcGIS Server is a back-end server software component of ArcGIS Enterprise that makes your geographic information available to others in your organization and, optionally, anyone with an Internet connection. This is accomplished through web services, which allow a powerful server computer to receive and process requests for information sent by other devices.

Esri ArcGIS Server

ArcGIS Online

If you already have ArcGIS on your desktop and need to view/edit mapped information, share your map, locate assets or conduct surveys when away from the office then you could see productivity gains by harnessing the power or ArcGIS Online and the Collector App for smart devices.  Instead of printing a map and filling in paper based survey forms only to have to duplicate the data entry when back at your computer you could be using your phone or tablet to find and survey your assets and have the new information available to anyone you want, instantly. Maps are very powerful but if they are stuck on a desktop computer their usefulness is limited. By using ArcGIS Online you can easily share your maps within your organisation or with anyone connected to the internet (see some of our free maps here).

For a free consultation and demonstration of how your organisation could make better use of your ArcGIS software by utilising ArcGIS Online please contact us here at Digimap through info@digimap.je or on +44 1534 769069.

Training packages are available or if you need to get up and running on ArcGIS Online fast, have Digimap setup and administer your ArcGIS Online account and see the benefits of simpler, easier to use, more useful maps within days.

ArcGIS Online


Many additional Apps are now available from ESRI with an ArcGIS Online license for collecting and editing data using smart devices.